Enabling the Client

Ability is a Coach’s unique selling point.

A Coach has the ability to enable a client.

Ability requires Power & Authority.

Power + Authority = Ability.

Ability is the synergy of power & authority flowing in unison.

Unauthorised power disables.

Disempowered authority unables.

I always have enough power to be, to do & to have whatever is authorised.

Whatever I choose that inspires and empowers me is authorised.

Whatever I choose that creates fear and dread is authorised but not empowered.

Whatever I choose that has no positive or negative emotional connection, is of no consequence to my path and is neither authorised nor empowered.

I do not need a Coach to enable me to remain within my comfort zone.

With guidance & support, authority & power, the coach enables the client to venture beyond their comfort zone to discover, explore & experience their own life.


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