Empathy & Compassion

Compassion means sharing my positive emotion with the same positive emotion of another.

Empathy means sharing the same positive thoughts as another.

I feel compassion with another.

I know empathy with another.

Compassion and empathy both share in an expansive way, which makes them positive.

Sympathy and apathy, conversely, are both negative and divisive.

When I resonate in sympathy with another who is emotionally negative, they deplete my emotional energy in a divisive way. I harmonise with them in a negative way.

I am unable to share my emotional energy with another who is negative and apathetic to my state of being.

Compassion has a female gender, which requires an awareness of  feeling and emotional intelligence.

Empathy has a male gender, which requires a rational intelligence and an intuitive logic.

Empathy and Compassion are essential attainments that facilitate expansive spiritual growth and the development of both the Self and others.

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