Emotionally Rational

Being Emotionally Rational is the state of being with which I best relate to my Self.

My Self always has a choice.

I can choose with my rational head, with my emotional heart, or with both.

When I choose with my head, I use my rational mind to rate the information that I receive through my 5 physical senses that form the basis of my knowledge and understanding of the physical world.

When I choose with my heart, I go with my gut instinct and my intuitive feelings that I receive from my inner guidance system that has 3 spiritual senses.

As well as my physical sense of sight, hearing, touch, taste & smell, I have 3 intuitive senses of seeing, feeling & knowing.

Being emotionally rational is using all 8 senses when making my choices in the physical world.

It is using both my head and my heart in unison.

It is uniting the male and female aspects of my energy.

It is activating my mind through both my brain and my solar plexus to combine them to become Emotionally Rational.


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