Emotional Well-Being

Emotional Well-Being is a measure of my ability to be Happy.

Happiness is emotional, being the sum total of my positive emotions.

It is therefore not rational.

My happiness is the result of my positive emotional experiences.

Happiness is seen to be a positive emotional experience.

It is a feeling that is caused by my state of being.

The more positive my emotional state of being, the happier I become and the more emotionally well I am being.

Emotional well-being is a measure of the positivity of my emotional state of being and how well I am being.

Emotional Unwellness, currently undefined by the medical profession, is a measure of the negativity of my emotional state of being.

The negativity of my emotional well-being is always caused by the negativity of my mental thoughts.

Emotional Well-Being is not a medical problem; it is a Life Coaching Opportunity.

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