Emotional Unwellness

Emotional Unwellness is detrimental to my well-being.

Well-being requires emotional energy.

Emotional unwellness is the absence of emotional energy.

The absence of emotional energy is called an emotional need.

Emotional needs are caused by fears & limiting beliefs.

Fears & limiting beliefs cause a resistance called stress.

Stress is the effect of low emotional energy.

Low emotional energy makes me feel unwell.

The cure for all emotional states of feeling unwell is the better perspective of a new belief.

The better perspective of a new belief requires emotional energy.

Negative beliefs create a negative state of emotional energy.

I require positive emotional energy to be able to think positively.

A better belief has a higher vibration of emotional energy, which always makes me feel better.

A visit to the doctor is often enough to make me feel better when I believe that he will cure me.

Positive beliefs allow emotional wellness and negative beliefs cause emotional unwellness.

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