Emotional States of Being

Emotional States of Being require definition before I can understand them intelligently.

When I define an emotional state of being, I give it definition, it becomes a definite emotion and I can become consciously-aware of its existence.

It is my conscious-awareness of the definite nature of my emotions that allows me to be emotionally intelligent.

An emotional person is aware of their feelings.

An emotionally intelligent person is able to consciously name their emotional state of being and create it at will.

By intelligently defining an emotion, I am both emotionally aware of the feeling and rationally conscious of its definition.

I define an emotion (emotional state of being) with an adjective, which is a describing word.

An adjective that describes my feeling or my emotional state of being is an emotion.

Without an adjective (word) to describe it, an emotion is just a feeling that I don’t really understand.

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