Emotional Needs & True Values

When I am disconnected from my Source of emotional power, I need to coach people to meet my need to achieve that raises my emotional energy.

When I am connected to my Source of Power, I truly value the opportunity to create awareness that coaching allows me.

When I am disconnected from my Source of emotional power, I need a relationship with a partner to meet my need for approval that raises my emotional energy.

When I am connected to my Source of Power, I truly value the bonded bliss that we share together in moments of intimacy and love.

When I am disconnected from my Source of emotional power, I need to travel and explore and find my space and experience new things to recharge my batteries.

When connected to my Source of Power, I truly value the inner revelations of discovering the unknown that allow me to expand my Self and follow my path.

An emotional need is the power that I need to do what I truly value.

Without my emotional power, what I truly value in life is still waiting to be discovered.

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