Emotional Need

Emotional Need is the ego’s lack of power.

My ego needs emotionally what it believes that it does not have.

My emotional needs are therefore created by my limiting beliefs.

A limiting belief is a belief that does not serve me and disconnects me from my Truth and my True Identity.

When I am disconnected from my True Authority, I am also disconnected from my True Power.

The Source of my True Power is the Source of my True Authority, my Soul.

When I am disconnected from the Source of my True Power, I will need emotional power.

How I will need to replace my emotional power is determined by my belief about what I think I need emotionally to regain my power.

Emotional need is an illusion created by my disconnection from my Source.

My Source is not only where I originate from, it is where my power originates from.

When out of alignment with the authority of my Soul, my ego will need to meet its emotional needs in order to power its will and desires.

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