Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is the degree to which I can feel and be aware of my own emotional states of being.

Being Emotional means I am aware of my emotional state of being.

Having Intelligence means I have a rational knowledge and understanding of a situation, occurrence or circumstance that I am currently experiencing.

I am intelligent when I can rationalise what is happening in my reality.

I am emotional when I can feel the awareness of my emotional state of being.

Emotional Intelligence becomes confusing when I define emotional as being irrational.

Emotional Intelligence is not the study and comprehension of negative emotional states of being that cause me to react.

Being emotional is not reacting emotionally, it is being aware of my emotional state of being so that I can respond in a rational way (intelligently).

Reacting in what is considered a negative emotional state of being is called being irrational.

Being irrational is the result of an absence of both rational and emotional intelligence.

Understanding irrational behaviour does require emotional intelligence but it is not the definition of emotional intelligence.

Trying to rationally understand irrational behaviour will never make me emotionally intelligent, just more rationally intelligent.

A rational study of emotional intelligence is by definition promoting rational intelligence not emotional intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence requires that I am being both emotional and rational in the comprehension of what I am experiencing.

Comprehending other peoples’ emotional states of being requires sensitivity and a degree of Sensitive Intelligence.

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