My Emotional Intelligence

My Emotional Intelligence is my level of awareness of my emotional state of being.

Emotional Intelligence is a measure of my ability to be Emotional with conscious-awareness.

Being Emotional is consciously knowing, seeing and/or feeling my own personal energetic state of being.

Being Emotional is not being emotionally reactive.

Reacting in a negative emotional state i.e. anger, frustration, intolerance, is a sign of non-awareness, ignorance and an absence of emotional intelligence.

We react with a low level of emotional intelligence and we are able to respond positively with a high level of emotional intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence is:

  • Knowing my own exclusive level of Self-Confidence to make my own choices with authority.
  • Feeling my own unique level of Self-Worth that gives me the power to fulfil my own choices.
  • Seeing my own individual level of Self-Esteem that results from having the special ability to connect to my own unique power and exclusive authority.

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