Emotional Highs & Spiritual Highs

  • An Emotional High has Intensity
  • A Spiritual High has Potential

Emotional Intensity can be high or low. Low or high emotional intensity is called pain or pleasure.

  • Pain is the effect of a high intensity of negative emotion
  • Pleasure is a high intensity of positive emotion

What I deem to be positive is not always beneficial and what I deem to be negative is not always detrimental. Positive & negative is a personal perception of an emotional feeling, relative to the polarity of that person’s individual perspective.

Emotional highs are a feeling perceived as the effect of the mental perspective of our programmed beliefs. We individually perceive our emotional experiences to be positive or negative, good or bad, right or wrong, beneficial or detrimental, relative to our mental perspective of what is occurring. It is the male or female gender of the emotional feeling that I am experiencing, which determines the polarity of my thinking, relative to my my personal beliefs.

It is the duality of a choice of emotional gender of my feelings with a choice of mental polarity of my thinking, which causes a duality of perspective & perception. Whenever my emotional expression is polarised in favour of a particular gender, I cause an emotional high that is either dramatically pleasurable or traumatically painful and both can become very addictive.

My addiction to emotional highs is the root cause of my addiction to the addictive substances, which cause both emotional highs and emotional lows. It is the duality of emotional highs & lows that causes the experience of either pleasure or pain.

Without a distinction between emotional highs & spiritual highs, the ego sense of self will explore the highs & lows of addictive substances to experience the emotional highs of bliss, ecstasy & euphoria. As these are emotional highs, not spiritual highs, they are anchored in 4th dimensional consciousness and block ascension to the 5th dimensional reality of Spiritual Awareness.

Spiritual Highs require a spiritual awareness of 5th Dimensional Consciousness, which is the domain of personal divinity, sovereignty & creativity. I experience a spiritual high when I super-consciously connect my Self, physically, mentally & emotionally with my Soul Entity. This is the feeling of Oneness experienced with the personal Ascension of the Self, in alignment with its Soul. This is the spiritual height of the Unity Consciousness of an Ascended Master.

Unity Consciousness is the spiritual high attained with a pure physical vibration, with a harmonic mental frequency and with a balanced emotional wavelength. Pure harmonic balance is the spiritual high of all energetic Beings. It is without division, separation or duality. My mental frequency of thought is undivided by polarity, my emotional wavelength of feeling is not separated by gender, which allows my physical vibration to be unaffected by duality.

In Absolute Reality my Soul is ever connected exclusively with my Self.

In relative dual reality existence, my Self is discovering, exploring & experiencing the extremes of intensity of my emotional highs & lows, with or without the potential of the conscious guidance & support of the Highest Spiritual Awareness of my Super-conscious Soul.

The Highest Spiritual Potential is the physical contentment, mental fulfilment and emotional joy of experiencing the Happiness of Being Alive.

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