Emotional Attraction

Emotional Attraction (aka sexual attraction) is determined by the wavelength/gender of my energy.

The wavelength of my emotional energy is divided by gender and continually seeks to be re-united and whole.

I am sub-consciously seeking my sexual partner who makes me feel re-united and whole.

My ideal ‘soul-mate’ has an energy with a wavelength and gender that is equal and opposite to my own.

Female energy gender characteristics are ‘Connected’; ‘Sensitive’; & ‘Emotional’.

Male energy gender characteristics are ‘Exclusive’; ‘Detached’; & ‘Rational’.

‘Exclusive’ male energy attracts ‘Connected’ female energy to become ‘Exclusively-Connected’ and whole because it has the same wavelength and like energy is drawn unto itself.

When I am being exclusively-connected, I am emotionally balanced and I access my wealth of Emotional Power.

Emotional female energy attracts Rational male energy to become Emotionally-Rational and whole.

When I am being emotionally-rational, I am emotionally balanced and I access my Mental Authority to make wise choices.

Sensitive female energy attracts Detached male energy to become Sensitively-Detached and whole.

When I am being sensitively-detached, I am emotionally balanced and I access my Physical Ability to relate to other people in a healthy way.

When I am sensitive, I will attract a partner who is detached because opposing genders of the same energy wavelength are attractive.

When I become sensitively-detached, I will attract a partner who is also sensitively-detached because undivided whole energy attracts similar wavelengths of the same whole and undivided energy.

We are all emotionally attractive to someone.

The question is: “To whom are we emotionally attracted”.

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