
In physical reality, energy is experienced as a triune reality of electricity, magnetism & gravity.

It is only in a dual reality world that a triality can be experienced as a singularity or as a duality.

We currently experience gravity as a singular force and electro-magnetism as a duality of the same energy potential.

On the surface of the Earth, we experience zero gravity and measure it as one ‘g’.

When I am standing on the earth, there is no gravitational force operating because there is no motion of attraction.

When I step off a cliff, a high building or out of an aeroplane, I experience an attractive force of 1g that propels me to earth.

In reality this is not the action of gravity but the effect of relative densities equalising themselves out.

The force that pushes me to earth in the air is the same force that pushes me to the surface when under water.

What we call zero gravity is also the absence of gravity that is experienced as weightlessness or having no relative density in opposition.

It is only in the presence of gravity that we are able to isolate electric & magnetic forces.

Gravity exists everywhere.

Specific gravity or relative density is an effect experienced in a dual reality world.

Where the forces of attraction of relative densities are equalised, we are able to experience electro-magnetic forces in isolation from gravity.

Electricity, magnetism & gravity are all naturally attractive because by their nature they are all the same energy exhibiting different forces of attraction.

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