Dysfunctional Families

All families are to some degree dysfunctional.

The function of a family is to provide for the needs of its children whilst they grow to adulthood.

We are all born with physical & emotional needs and without the ability to provide for our Self.

A family that is unable to provide for the needs of its children is considered not to function properly and is called dysfunctional.

All families from time to time experience not having enough of whatever is needed to function properly.

Even in families where the physical & material needs are more than adequately met, there can be a shortage of emotional energy that causes a disfunction.

Our present society has become so rationally focused on providing the essentials of material family life that it has become unaware of the specific emotional needs of individual family members.

All children have individual emotional needs that are as different and varied as are their personalities.

Children do not have personality disorders but a shortage of emotional energy that results from their specific emotional needs remaining unmet.

It is a specific need that remains unmet that creates a dysfunctional child within a family.


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