Duty of Care

When my duty is to care and caring is a duty then a Duty of Care is a toleration to be endured.

It is something that I have to do and I tolerate doing it.

When duty & care are a toleration they are not an act of love.

Carers are paid to perform an act of caring which becomes their duty.

Relatives are expected to do their duty whether they care or not.

Caring for another out of duty is not a loving act.

Caring for another as a profession involves a duty of care that is not necessarily an act of love.

True love is care-free & unconditional.

A duty is a condition placed upon a dutiful person.

Needing to fulfil a duty is a need not an act conveyed with true love.

I am under no obligation to care or to do my duty.

Unconditional love is an acceptable gift, never a duty nor a toleration.

Whether I am giving a gift of unconditional love or dutifully doing whatever I need to do, is always a matter of my own perspective.



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