
Duction translates as Guidance. When water flows through a duct, it is guided in a chosen direction. When guidance flows, our choice of duction determines its path.

Choices of guidance include: Induction, Introduction, Deduction, Retroduction, Abduction, Reduction & Conduction.

Induction initiates inner guidance and innovates initiative. It induces, brings about or inspires revelations of guidance with higher truth. Intuitive thoughts are induced through meditation and inducted into the conscious mind. Induction is the guidance of inner inspired thoughts, intuitively revealed in the present moment of awareness. Induction is inner reflection that attains present guidance.

Introduction is initial guidance. In a spiritual awakening, it is a baptism of water with an awareness of higher guidance. It is the initiation into one’s personal, individual, unique & exclusive life path. My personal vision, mission & purpose for my life introduces me to the destiny of my spiritual path. Introduction is an awakening to a spiritual life and the beginning of spiritual reflection.

Deduction is intellectual reasoning, which is the discernment of rational intelligence. Deduction rates physical data or intelligence, to discern best choice of guidance; for oneself & others. In our disconnection from induced guidance, deduction by rational logic is the best source of external guidance. Navigating a path through physical reality, using only the five physical senses, requires an intellect that is trained with the reasoning of deduction. Deduction is non-spiritual or physical reflection that takes away all unreasonable & unwanted choices.

Retroduction uses information, data or intelligence from past experience to guide present choices for the future. It rates past experiences as either suitable or unsuitable for future experience. My perception of what occurred as my past experience, is my guide to what I choose to be my future experience. Retroduction is often based on external influence, inference, hypothesis, conjecture & presumption. It is backward physical reflection to achieve forward conscious guidance.

Abduction is the loss of guidance. When freedom is hijacked and held to ransom, personal authority is kidnapped and choice is withheld. Abduction is a negative physical or mental force, which is subject to an external authority. The purpose of abduction is to force our authority onto another and enforce their loss of sovereign choice. It is personal freedom of choice that is hijacked, kidnapped and held to ransom; unless the guidance and demand of a negative external physical force, are followed to the letter. Abduction is the enforced loss of reflection, when we believe that we have no choice.

Reduction is the lessening of personal authority and freedom of opportunity. When I miss an opportunity, I face a challenge to learn a lesson. When my internal intuitively induced guidance is reduced; my external guidance, by other people, is needed. External guidance that is deductive, retroductive or abductive, lessens my opportunity to learn my spiritual lessons. Reduction is the cause of all my problems, fears and pain. As the plot thickens, the dramas become more intense, my perspective becomes darker and my thinking becomes more dense; my freedom of choice becomes abducted, redacted and reduced. Reduction is the gradual loss of reflection. As reflection is reduced, we are guided more and more by our customs, our habits and our addictions.

Conduction is the guidance of a Conductor. A conductor guides all elements of an ensemble that are sympathetically flowing together for one desired purpose. The Conductor of an Orchestra guides all the instruments to play their part in sympathy, symphony & harmony. A conductor of electricity guides a magnitude of electro-magnetic force, to fulfil an electrical potential. Without a conductor, neither music nor an electric circuit will flow in phase. Lightning, without a conductor, can be a very unsympathetic and destructive force.

Reproduction reproduces the same choice over and over again, so it offers no guidance. Without the introduction of our induced spiritual imagination as our guide, we are fated to reproduce the same thinking, the same fears and the same negative emotions, over and over again. This experience reproduces spiritually disconnected human beings; who believe that their only purpose in life is to reproduce spiritually disconnected human beings, as their children.

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