Dramas, Traumas & Tumours

Mortality is a paradox of Life & Death. We are all Mortal Beings who both live & die. Mortality is a choice of the reality of life or the reality of death. From birth to death, we all have the emotional experience of a mental influence as our physical existence. This is our spiritual reality.

From a higher perspective of spiritual reality, we all have choice, so we all have chosen a mortal, existential, influential, experience of life & death. Our personal choice of journey includes how we enter life at birth and how we leave life at death. For most incarnate souls, this choice of journey remains unconscious.

The three primary dimensions of spirituality are physicality, mentality & emotionality. This allows three dimensions of mortality. Life is a physically active existence of emotional feeling experiences, caused by mental influences of the mind’s thoughts & thinking. Death, as our departure from life, has three primary causes:

1. Mental Drama

2. Emotional Trauma

3. Physical Tumour

Death by physical tumour is called Cancer. The physical body dies through what is believed to be an incurable, uncontrollable, episode of abnormal cell growth. It is how the Soul chooses for its Self to die a physical death.

Death by emotional trauma is called Cardio-vascular Disease. The physical body dies through what is believed to be a failure of the heart or lungs. The heart represents the emotional centre of love and the breath of our lungs breathes emotional power into our life. Heart failure is the result of a prolonged life of emotional disconnection from the Soul, which is suffocatingly heartbreaking.

Death by mental drama is called Dementia. Demented people die from what are believed to be insanely accidental causes, which can occur at any time in life. Accidents happen to us when we are not physically awake, mentally alert or emotionally aware of our spiritual sanity. Dieing from old age is believed to be a natural cause of death, which is no accident. The disease of old age, which is incidental not accidental, is called dementia. It is a mental disorder that is caused by the incapacity of the sub-conscious Mind to consciously project a future. The current prognosis is a slow decline to an eventual death. This is one of life’s great dramas.

  • The drama of Alzheimer’s Disease is caused by an extreme period of mental incapacity
  • The trauma of Cardio-vascular Disease is caused by an extreme period of emotional incompetence
  • The tumour of a disease called Cancer causes death by an extreme period of physical incapability

We are all prone to suffer in life through minor degrees of mental incapacity, emotional incompetence & physical incapability; unless we become consciously capable of the capacity to competently live & die.

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