Drama & Trauma

Drama is the consequence of a negative mental belief.

Trauma is the consequence of a negative emotional experience.

Drama & Trauma are negative experiences in life that happen to me. I am a victim of both drama & trauma, when life happens to me. I never plan for life to be dramatic or traumatic, so neither drama nor trauma consciously happens by me. They are both the consequence of stuck energy, when life is not allowed to happen through me.

When I allow life to happen through me, there is no drama and there is no trauma. When I am adamant about my belief in a conviction, I get stuck in the drama of my own making. When I experience the trauma of something dramatic in my life, the negative emotional energy that I experience remains with me until I release it. It is my conviction in a belief that blocks the trauma from being released.

The negative emotional energy of trauma is the effect of the negative mental energy that I am thinking. Negative dramas cause traumas. Choosing a positive belief allows the negative emotional trauma to come up for healing. Clearing stuck emotional energy happens autonomously when I allow it to be released.

Failure to change a negative perspective causes trauma to remain as an emotional blockage. My emotional energy either flows or is blocked relative to my belief system. Permanently removing trauma requires a permanent change in the personal perception that caused it. Permanently removing a drama requires a permanent change in the perspective of its sponsoring belief.

Coughing, sneezing, crying, shivering & shaking are all ways that the body naturally removes or clears stuck emotional energy.

The belief in being brave, steadfast & unemotional, causes a drama that stops trauma being released.

Trauma is always a dramatic experience.

When I take responsibility for creating the drama that causes the trauma, I can then responsibly allow the trauma to be released with a simple change of perspective.

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