
Dominion means Ability.

All Souls have Dominion.

All Souls have the ability to choose.

All Souls have the power and the authority to make their own choices.

“Man has Dominion over the Animals” means that Man has an Ability that Animals do not have. 

Man has an ego Self – a sense of Self.

Man is Self-conscious – Animals are not.

Being self-conscious is being conscious of the physical self without awareness of one’s spiritual origins.

Animals are self-aware, not self-conscious.

Animals retain their connection to their Soul at all times.

Animals always act intuitively and instinctively.

Animals are guided by their thoughts – Humans have the ability to think.

Humans have the ability to act and react consciously without the awareness of their Soul in disconnection from their Spirit.

Only Humans have this ability that gives them Dominion over the Animals.

Humans have the ability to choose for their Self, which means we can choose with our ego in total disconnection from our Soul.

Animals lead an experiential life.

Humans have the ability to explore and to discover as well as to experience life.

The Dominion of Man is Expansive.

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