Divine Time

Divine Time is my Soul’s Time.

Being in time with my Soul is divine.

In divine time, life flows effortlessly.

My Soul creates life to flow in divine time.

From the perspective of the Soul, there is one continuous moment of Now.

In the now of time, life is divine.

Providence provides in divine time.

What is provided providentially is divine.

I just have to accept it as a present, in the present moment, as it is presented.

In divine time, I am empowered & inspired.

My messages are revealed in divine time.

Wonders unfold in divine time.

Miracles happen in divine time.

I am destined to live in divine time.

Intimacy is divine as being in time is divine.

In divine time, I am never early & I am never late.

I am in time & intimate with my Soul.

In other people’s time, life happens to me.

In my time, life happens by me.

In divine time, life happens through me.

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