Distinction & Duality

A Distinction is the difference between two similar words or concepts.

A distinction defines what makes one reality distinct from another reality.

I define my reality with definitions that define the contrast that exists within my reality.

Without contrast, and a distinct contrast that has clarity, I have no distinction, just sameness.

A Duality contains two opposing ideas or thoughts.

A duality is a dual or divided reality. It is a reality that is divided by two opposing perspectives of the same energy. Two different thoughts about the same thing.

Unless it is the same energy, it cannot be divided and therefore cannot be a duality.

A distinction defines the difference between two different energies, thoughts or ideas.

A duality defines the two opposing extremes of the same energy.

A duality creates a dichotomy, a distinction clarifies it.

A Distinction clarifies two different things that appear to be the same. e.g greed and gluttony appear to be the same thing until their definitions give them distinction.

A Duality confuses the same thing by its appearance as being different.e.g greed and pleasing (arrogance and humbleness) appear to be different until we realise that they are opposing perspectives of the same energy.

It becomes apparent that a distinction and a duality are not in themselves a duality once their distinction has been clarified by their definition.

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