Displeasure, Sadness, Desolation

Displeasure is what I experience when I believe that what I am experiencing is making me unhappy.

When my happiness depends on what is outside of my control, I will either be pleased or displeased by whatever is occurring.

Displeasure is caused by my judgment that what is happening is bad, negative, wrong & detrimental for me.

I am displeased by what ever I see as a problem.

Sadness is the chaos caused by a problem that I believe cannot be solved.

It is the effect of having too many problems to solve.

It is my intense displeasure at having no apparent solution.

Desolation is the intense sadness of realising that there is no apparent solution for my sadness.

Desolation is caused by the occurrence of an apparent disaster that is isolating me from my own happiness.

It is my apparent inability to resolve the cause of my sadness and my intense displeasure.

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