
Disgust is my lack of approval.

When I strongly disapprove, I am disgusted by what I am disapproving of.

The need for approval can be either subjective or objective; never adjective.

I cannot be disgust.

I can be objectively disgusted by others bad behaviour.

I can be subjectively disgusted by my own bad behaviour.

I subjectively disapprove of myself and I objectively disapprove of others.

Disgusting behaviour is my judgment of myself or other people.

It is behaviour that strongly conflicts with my standards or my boundaries because I believe it to be morally, ethically or socially wrong.

Disgust is a principle.

I react to disgustingly bad behaviour on the principle of not tolerating bad manners.

With no need for approval, I have no need to approve, no need to disapprove and no need to be disgusted by the behaviour or manners of myself or other people.

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