Disconnected & Attached

Disconnected from my True Source of Emotional Power, I need to be Attached to other people.

Other people supply the emotional power that I need when I am disconnected from my Source.

I attach myself to people who give me power emotionally, because they ‘love’ me.

I am attached to people who I need emotionally.

I grieve when someone is no longer able to meet my needs emotionally.

In a state of being disconnected, I am unaware of my emotional attachments.

In my disconnected state, I have insufficient power to be consciously aware of what I need emotionally.

Unaware of my emotional energy needs renders my Self unaware of my emotional attachments.

When I become conscious of my disconnection, I can consciously connect to my source of emotional power within and detach from the need for other people to supply my emotional power.

With the attainment of being sensitively detached with other people, I am no longer dependent on them for my emotional energy.

I am unattached to other people emotionally and connected to my own source of emotional power.

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