
Disapproval is the emotional energy drain that I experience when someone crosses my boundaries.

My boundaries are the behaviour that I find acceptable from other people.

I disapprove of unacceptable behaviour.

I cannot disapprove and be approving.

Unacceptable behaviour disallows my being accepting.

My boundaries ensure that other people’s behaviour is acceptable.

Extending my boundaries allows me to be more accepting and more approving.

The more resolute my boundaries, the more disapproval that I will encounter.

Non-approval is the emotional energy drain that I experience when someone else disapproves of my behaviour.

I invite their non-approval when I cross their boundaries and my behaviour is unacceptable to them.

When I unconditionally accept the behaviour of all others, and approve of who they are being, all others are allowed to be unconditionally approving of my Self.

It also allows my Self to be unconditionally approving of my Self, as is my Soul.

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