
Mastering the Art of Allowing requires the conscious awareness of what I am disallowing.

I Disallow what I Disapprove of as being Unacceptable to me.

Something is physically unacceptable when I emotionally disapprove of what I am mentally disallowing.

Being disallowing is an emotionally negative attribute that is caused by a negative mental belief.

When I adopt the negative belief that life is a problem, I allow life to be problematic. When life happens to me in a problematic way, it is a toleration that drains my emotional energy. The problem is that I am accepting & allowing problems that do not have my approval. When I physically accept & mentally allow what I emotionally disapprove of, it is an energy drain & a toleration.

A toleration is a mental belief that causes a negative emotional blockage, which is a physical problem. Negative mental thinking disallows positive emotional energy flow, so a toleration is always an unacceptable problem.

When I am physically doing what I mentally believe that I should do, ought to do, have to do or must do; I am allowing other people to influence my choices and disallowing my own personal authority.

Disallowing my own choice, disallows my own authority, which disallows my own emotional power and my own physical ability. When I emotionally approve another’s mental authority, I disallow my own higher authority, which is disempowered & disabled because I have chosen it to be unacceptable.

Moving from tolerating to accepting allows my emotional power to freely flow. Freely accepting whatever is occurring allows my emotional approval. When my emotional power flows effortlessly, I am free to accept whatever I approve of and I allow it to manifest as my reality. Making choices in my own authority allows my creative power to freely flow because there is no disapproval with my total acceptance of being toleration free.

What is totally acceptable in my life is for everything that is occurring to be an opportunity for me. I am never challenged by an opportunity as I just take it, by allowing it with my full approval. It is never an opportunity to solve a problem because with full approval of my being accepting, there is no toleration so there is no problem.

I never disallow what appears to me as an opportunity. I always disapprove of being challenged by a problem. I accept only opportunities that are presented to me in my life. When I no longer accept either challenges or problems, I am seeing everything that occurs to me as an ideal opportunity in life.

I always allow every ideal opportunity when I am disallowing the challenge of tolerating life as a problem.

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