
My Dis-Ease is a disease.

It is contagious.

Whatever I am uneasy about in my life creates a fear, a limiting belief and eventually trauma.

The stress of being uneasy about life is a disease.

Dis-ease & dis-order cause disease, not bacteria & viruses.

Bacteria & viruses are a symptom of dis-ease not the cause.

They are employed by the body to clear up the toxins created by my dis-ease.

Dis-ease is the absence of Inner Peace.

In the absence of Inner Peace, my body is uneasy and does not flow effortlessly.

The disfunction of my body is a reflection of my mental uneasiness and my emotional trauma.

Flowing effortlessly through life without resistance is not normal in this physical world.

Health is the absence of physical disease that allows life to be effortless.

Wellness is the absence of mental dis-order that allows life to be fearless.

Well-being is the absence of emotional dis-ease that allows life to be painless.


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