Directive Coaching

Directive Coaching is an oxymoron.

Coaching is never directive.

Managers and Directors set direction.

Coaches guide and support the client to clarify and strategise their own direction.

The direction that a Coach follows is always the direction of the development of the client.

Coaching is Developmental.

Mentoring is never directive, although it may be instructive, it is always developmental.

The purpose of Mentoring is to guide and support the client along a similar path to which the mentor has previously travelled.

It is never the mentor that chooses the path, always the client.

It is always the client who chooses the mentor, never the mentor.

Being a Mentor requires the experience of where the client is going, whereas being a Coach does not.

Neither Coaching nor Mentoring can be used as tools of Directive Management.

Coaching is a collection of skills that are used within a Consultative style of Management.


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