
A Dimension is a polarised direction of a perspective of consciousness.

A perspective of reality has three dimensions when it identifies three directions in which the mind can consciously direct a thought.

Consciousness, Mind & Thought are three dimensions of my mental reality when my mentality identifies three dimensions of thought, mind & consciousness. Where consciousness is a reality, mind and thought are it’s other two dimensions.

In an emotional reality; heart, feeling & awareness are its three dimensions. In a two dimensional reality; my heart has an awareness of feeling and my mind has a conscious thought. In a three dimensional reality; my spirit has a conscious mind that thinks, a heart that has emotional awareness and a body that is having a physical experience. In a four dimensional reality; my spirit has a body, a heart, a mind & a Soul.

In a spiritual reality or from a spiritual perspective; the Soul may be seen as a three dimensional consciousness that is the conscious ego, the sub-conscious id & the super-conscious entity.

In a physical reality; body, mind & emotion are the three dimensions of a spiritual entity, comprised of energy, matter & motion.

The perception of energy in motion as matter determines the experience of space-time-reality.

When a physical perspective sees only matter in motion, it has a perspective of three polarised directions of travel. A polarised direction of travel allows a choice of opposing directions. This creates a duality or dual reality, which is relative to individual choice & experience. My experience of a dual reality existence allows a polarised perspective of opposing choices in a three dimensional physical reality.

A physical point extends in two opposing directions of length called forward & backward, it extends in two other directions of breadth called left & right and in two further directions of height called up & down. When I add a fourth dimension of perspective, my point Source can extend inward & outward into the depths of either the macrocosm or the microcosm.

An energy point source can extend in two opposing directions of spin, on a north-south axis or an east-west axis. It can orbit in a clockwise or an anti-clockwise direction and it can also rotate in a positive or a negative direction.

Every physical body in time-space-reality exhibits three dimensions of physical characteristic and three dimensions of energetic motion. Energy, matter & motion are the three dimensions of a creative reality. Reality is created relative to the matter of energy in motion, the energy of matter in motion or the motion of energy in matter. These are the three dimensions of our mental perspective, emotional perception & physical experience.

A physical experience is a matter of energy in motion, an emotional perception feels the energy of matter in motion as emotion and a mental perspective knows the motion of energy in matter as a thought.

In whatever direction I polarise my perspective, I discover a new dimension of reality. In a three dimensional reality, every perspective has three dimensions; whereas in a relative duality, there is only a perspective of two choices in contrast to each other.

Space has opposing dimensions of full or empty, large or small, inert or dynamic. Time has opposing dimensions of past or future, late or early, before or after and reality has opposing dimensions of true or false, good or bad, right or wrong, beneficial or detrimental.

We all live in a multi-dimensional reality of our own creation relative to the personal perspective or perception of our own conscious-awareness.

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