Dimensional Perspective

From the perspective of the 3rd Dimension, the 2nd & 4th Dimensions appear to be stationary.

Two dimensional objects do not move in our world, unless we deliberately animate them.

Two dimensional pictures are fixed in time unless we animate them as a movie.

Four dimensional objects are fixed in space.

From the perspective of our 3 dimensional planet Earth, the Sun and the stars appear to be stationary, relative to each other.

The sun appears to move from east to west around the planet once per day but this is an illusion of perspective because we now know that the Earth orbits the Sun, not the other way around.

Although the stars appear to be moving away from us in an expanding universe, they maintain their position in the night sky relative to all the other stars.

The Stars and the Heavens appear from our 3rd dimensional perspective to be stationary just as the electrons and protons, that make up all the atoms that constitute our physical world, also appear to be stationary from the 3rd dimensional perspective that is the reality of our Space-Time-Continuum.

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