Dharma & Karma

In a dual reality world, Dharma & Karma are seen as opposing realities of fate or fortune.

Dharma is seen as good fortune and the effect of good or right action.

Karma is seen as bad fortune and the effect of bad or wrong action.

From a positive perspective, Karma is seen as an opportunity to put right a past wrong, rather than as a punishment for a wrong-doing.

With no clear distinction between fate and destiny, it is assumed that the path in life is to overcome Karma in order to experience Dharma.

It is my fate to live in a dual reality world where fortune & misfortune, right & wrong, good & bad, karma & dharma are all opposing realities.

It is my Destiny to overcome these dual realities and overcome my fate & fortune by choosing to live in alignment with my True Authority.

I choose to overcome the good fortune of my dharma & fate that has an opposing energy of misfortune and doom.

I choose to overcome the problems of my karma & fate and see the opportunities that await me as my destiny.

My Karma is the Dharma of my Destiny, once I have overcome the distinction.

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