
Dharma means Fate.

It literally translates as that which upholds and supports.

I am upheld in life by the beliefs that I hold and supported by the emotional energy that I need.

My limiting beliefs and my emotional needs are my fate and my dharma.

The belief that my dharma is my righteous duty and my virtuous path is based on my fear and false beliefs.

I have no duty, whether righteous or otherwise. Duty is an inherited belief, which is my fate.

It is my fate to be virtuous. It is my destiny to be Divine. A virtuous path does not attain my destiny to be Divine.

I have chosen my kharma for this life-time and I have a choice as to whether I see it as my dharma, my fate, or my destiny.

I can choose to follow my chosen path of fulfilment, or the path of my fate and disappointment. One is my karma and the other is my dharma.

In this relative dual reality world, I will always have a choice. How I define that choice will determine whether I am following  my fate or my destiny.

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