Detached & Disconnected

Detached means that I am not attached to other people or things emotionally.

It means that I do not need them to supply my emotional power.

I am detached when I am emotionally independent and connected to my own source of power and authority.

This requires the awareness of knowing my emotional needs, feeling when they are active, i.e. my power is low, and seeing how to simply and effectively meet them myself.

Disconnected means that I am not connected to my true source of authority that connects me to my true source of emotional power.

It means that I am unaware of my need for emotional power.

Whether we are conscious of our need for emotional power or not, we all have emotional needs, because no-one is permanently connected to their emotional power in this physical realm.

We are all disconnected from our source of emotional power until we consciously learn or remember how to re-connect.

The opposite of Disconnected is Connected or Empowered.

The opposite of Detached is attached or needy.

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