Density & Dimension

Physical Density is relative to weight & volume.

Physical Dimensions of length, width & height measure volume.

Spiritual Density is inversely relative to Light. The more enlightened I become, the less spiritually dense I am; irrespective of my physical density or dimensions. As I grow spiritually, I expand my awareness, my energy gets lighter, I become more enlightened and less spiritually dense. My physical dimensions and my physical density is unchanged. I still look the same and I still weigh the same.

Spiritual Dimensions are physical, mental & emotional. I am spiritually being, doing & having a thoughtful, feeling experience. The physical capability of my creative spiritual experience is relative to my mental capacity of thought and my emotional competence of feeling.

  • Fast energetic frequencies of negative thinking with a short insensitive wavelength of feeling cause an intensely dark drama.
  • Slow energetic frequencies of negative thinking with long wavelengths of feeling cause an intensely traumatic dark depression.
  • Pure vibrations of Light, with balanced mental frequencies and emotional wavelengths, create a beneficial & divine experience of life, which is drama & trauma free.

A pure thought has a pure feeling and produces a pure experience. These pure experiences are referred to as 5th dimensional experiences but are actually 5th density experiences.

Spiritual Density is relative to Conscious-Awareness. A spiritual dimension is a density of mental thought and a level of consciousness:

  • Density 1: Unconsciousness
  • Density 2: Sub-consciousness
  • Density 3: Physically Conscious
  • Density 4: Conscious Awareness
  • Density 5: Super-conscious Awareness

Spiritual dimensions are seen as levels of consciousness & levels of awareness that are relative to spiritual density, intuitive awareness, conscious thought, mental capacity & spiritual enlightenment. The more I raise the purity of my spiritual vibration, the higher the spiritual dimension and the lower the mental & emotional density.

The dimension of physical reality is very mentally & emotionally dense. Thought is limited and awareness is disconnected. Expanding thought and growing awareness allows the density to lighten and creative potential to be realised. Density 5 is the highest level of consciousness, of which physical Beings are aware.

Creative potential is spiritual not physical. It is relative to the conscious-awareness of emotionally intuitive and rationally intellectual intelligence.

Enlightenment is a measure of spiritual intelligence and the Knowledge of Light. This conscious physical world allows the awareness of the spiritual density of spiritual dimensions.

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