Density & Dimension

Density is relative to the length of a vibrating energy wave. The shorter the wavelength, the greater the density and specifically its gravitational attraction. The longer its wavelength, the greater its space or volume, which is a measure of its magnitude. The greater the magnitude of energy, the lower its physical density. Physical density is the gravitational force that is relative to spiritual magnitude. The greater the energetic magnitude, the higher the spiritual density.

Dimension is an aspect of Perspective. A one dimensional aspect has only one perspective. There is only one way to look at it or see it. A two dimensional aspect has polarity, which allows it to be seen from two different perspectives. A two dimensional aspect allows a choice of perspective. It has a choice of wavelength, its space and a choice of frequency, its time. An energy vibration can be perceived as an experience of emotional wavelength, an experience of mental frequency or a vibrational experience of both.

A dual reality experience of wavelength & frequency allows a three dimensional reality of vibrating energy. A dual reality experience in time & space allows a three dimensional experience of space-time-reality. Every vibrational reality has a frequency of time and a wavelength of space.

A one dimensional density has no perspective or awareness of space & time.

A two dimensional density has no awareness of time, only a perspective of space.

A three dimensional density has an awareness of space and a perspective of time. Wavelength is relative to frequency and a conscious perspective is relative to a perception of awareness.

Where consciousness is the same as awareness and perspective is the same as perception, then space-time-reality is experienced as only being physical.

When consciousness is seen as a frequency of thought and awareness is felt as a wavelength of emotion, then a fourth dimensional density of conscious-awareness emerges.

Physicality has three dimensions: Atoms are physical and one dimensional. Cells are physical and two dimensional. Man is physical and three dimensional. However, human thought & emotion has multiple levels of density, from the perspective of the 3rd dimension.

Spiritual density is the frequency of thought. The faster the frequency of thought, the shorter the wavelength of emotion. The quicker time passes, the less space is experienced. The slower the frequency of thought, the higher the density of spiritual perception and the greater the flow of peace & harmony. The longer the emotional feeling of love, the slower the intensity of thought, the more magnificent the experience.

Wisdom is the slowest frequency of thought with the highest spiritual density of awareness.

Joy is the longest wavelength of emotion with the highest spiritual density of awareness.

We experience this three dimensional realm of space-time-reality for the purpose of attaining higher levels of spiritual density, called conscious-awareness.

Our three dimensional physical Earth has recently entered the 4th dimension of spiritual density, known as the Age of Aquarius, which allows the Dawning of Awareness of our true spiritual nature. It is not the Earth that is now four dimensional but the potential of our individual perspective to become consciously-aware of our personal destiny, by raising our own spiritual density.

Spiritual Density is our Destiny!

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