Dementia Suspends Linear Time

Linear Time is the Reality of every planet that is travelling in Space. As our planet Earth travels in space, it allows reality to be continually changing over time. If the Earth did not orbit the Sun, the Sun did not orbit the Milky Way Galaxy and the Galaxy did not orbit the Cosmic Universe, space could not change.

Reality is both continuous and sequential. It is consequential, relative to choice. Time is eternally sequential because space is infinitely continuous. It is space-time-reality that allows change to occur relative to choice. It is time that allows moments of reality to be contiguous. No two moments of time ever occur in the same place; even though from our stationary perspective, we have no perception of our movement through space, only our movement on Earth.

It is memory that allows reality to apparently change over time. When I have no memory of how things were, I have no perception of how they have changed to what they are now. I only perceive a change over time by comparison of how things are now with how things use to be before.

Reality moves through space over time irrespective of our personal perception. Without a clear memory of past events, I have no experience of any change in reality over time. It is memory that allows me to put individual moments of my reality together as a time-line in space. Every contiguous moment of now becomes a memorised order of personal events.

When dementia has a prolonged affect on memory, time becomes a non-linear experience. It is not unusual for someone with dementia to slowly lose track of time. Forgetting the year, then the month or the day is followed by the inability to relate to the time of day or night. Bed-time can become an unfathomable experience and there may be no apparent reason to get out of bed in the morning.

We measure time by the motion of the Earth, the Moon & the Sun. We take it for granted that the Earth spins once on its axis each day and takes exactly one year to orbit the sun. With dementia, this no longer has any relevance.

When my only experience is of each present moment, time becomes suspended and no longer has any relevance. With no clue about the past there is no awareness of the future, just an experience of each present moment. When time is suspended, I am just here; with no memory of the past and no thought about the future.

It is the connection of my conscious mind to my super-conscious mind that allows the attainment of presence. The absolute universality of the super-conscious mind ensures it’s state of Presence because it is always present. From the absolute perspective of the Universal Soul, there is only Now. There is no now & then and there is no here & there. There is only now-here in time and nowhere in space. Physical reality is made possible by the creation of and the separation of space & time.

Whereas my super-conscious mind is always present, my sub-conscious mind is only ever aware of my past experiences. It is my sub-conscious mind that holds my recent memory and allows time to apparently flow. It is my sub-conscious awareness of my linear past experiences that allows my choice of conscious projection into my future.

Past, present & future are a reality of my conscious thinking, relative to my sub-conscious memory. My super-conscious inspired thoughts are only available in the present moment. Whereas my connection to my sub-conscious memory can become faulty, my connection to my super-conscious awareness is always potentially available.

With dementia, it is my sub-conscious thinking that is impaired. The processing ability of the brain may or may not be available but the access to its store of data is missing. Without access to experiential data, linear time has no meaning. From a higher perspective, the only meaning that linear experience has is the meaning that I give to it.

With dementia, it is as though life continues but the life-time, the time-line and the life-line are all slowly coming to an end. From this perspective, it can be seen as a process of passing on or passing over in a gradual way, rather than experiencing an instantaneous death. It may be seen as preferable to the shock, trauma & surprise of a quick & fatal heart attack or the uncertain suffering of terminal cancer.

When I have no capacity of memory, there can be no mental trauma from the past. When I have no physical ailments, there is no pain that is apparent. There is no reason to believe that dementia inhibits the ability to experience positive emotions. There is no clinical reason why people with dementia cannot be innately happy.

When we lose our past memory due to our time-line being suspended, there is no recollection of past fear or trauma to restrict or block our happiness. Every night when I go to sleep, my time-line is suspended. When I awake the next day, my time-line appears to be continuous; unless that is, I have dementia and I have no recollection of yesterday and no concept of tomorrow.

In this situation, there is nothing left to do but just enjoy the presence of each present moment. We are free to experience the pure magical beauty of life, unless we are subject to the vagaries of someone else’s time-line because we are living in someone else’s space and subject to someone else’s reality.

When I am happy to allow someone with dementia to be happy, I allow them to be happy and I allow us to share our happiness together.

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