Dementia Is Unconscious Incompetence

My incompetence is unconscious until I become conscious of it. When I become aware of my incompetence, I am conscious of what I am unable to do. Conscious incompetence motivates me to become competent. I strive all through my life to become consciously competent in my ability to live life well.

What I am also not aware of is my level of unconscious competence. I consciously strive to become consciously competent but I cannot consciously strive to become unconsciously competent.

Unconscious competence occurs when I allow it to. I allow my sub-conscious mind to take autonomous control automatically without thinking. When I do things well without thinking, I am using my unconscious competence to do so.

It can take a lifetime to learn to raise my level of perspective, firstly from unconscious incompetence to conscious incompetence, then to become consciously competent before being able to allow my competence to be unconscious.

It can take but an instant to shift from unconscious competence to unconscious incompetence. This dramatic shift in consciousness, or unconsciousness, can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time because competence is always relative to emotional power. Whereas, conscious competence can be accomplished by will power, unconscious competence cannot.

Unconscious competence can only be attained through the connected state of being empowered with natural Source energy. When I am disconnected from Source energy emotionally, which is my natural source of emotional power, I lose my authority and I lose my competence.

As this shift from unconscious competence to unconscious incompetence is unconscious, I am not aware of my shift in competence, until I move into conscious incompetence, when I realise what has gone wrong. With dementia, this is usually when someone tells me, or reminds me, of my level of incompetence.

When dementia patients are left to their own devices, they are blissfully unaware of their level of either competence or incompetence. Whereas the carer is diligently aware of the patient’s level of incompetence, the patient isn’t until reminded by their helper.

Helping someone to become conscious of their incompetence is never helpful. We all drain emotional energy to the incompetence of having low emotional energy. Incompetence is a measure of how low our emotional energy currently is. Reminding someone of their incompetence causes a downward spiral of emotional power called an energy drain.

Becoming conscious of my incompetence is good when I have the emotional power and the will to learn a new competence, as it allows me to become consciously competent. However, it is not good to become conscious of my incompetence when I lack the mental capacity to consciously compete in life.

Competence is emotional and is relative to mental capacity. A decline in mental capacity always results in a decline in emotional competence. Dementia is, without doubt, a decline in mental capacity, which causes a decline in emotional competence, whether we are aware of it or not.

What is currently unknown is the cause of this mental incapacity and whether that incapacity is in the brain or in the mind. Whether it is a malfunction in the brain’s hardware or a malfunction in the software of the mind is still to be determined.

Medical science presently believes that the cause of dementia is a build up of amyloid proteins in the brain. It also still believes that a build up of cholesterol in the arteries causes heart disease. Nobody seems to have an answer to why an incredibly ingenious sentient organism that is the human body would unconsciously & incompetently try to kill itself.

The greatest ability of all sentient human beings is the gift of choice, which includes the choice of life or death. Every human being has the potential unconscious competence to live an extraordinary life of expansive growth or an ordinary life of malignant contracting decline towards death. A malignant contracting decline towards death is ordinary because it is the norm for most people. Most people die of one of three malignant contractive diseases, which are heart disease, cancer or dementia.

Is it just a co-incidence that the actual number of human deaths caused by dementia is increasing at a time when the number of deaths due to heart disease & cancer is stabilising?

If the incapacity of the brain is caused by the incompetence of the mind, which mind is it that is being incompetent? Which mind is disconnected from the emotional authority that empowers it? Which mind has become disconnected from the source of its empowered guidance?

Dementia may be seen as a malfunction of the brain or it may be an unconscious separation from the sub-conscious mind that runs & operates the brain. After all, we do not consciously operate our brain, it runs autonomously and sub-consciously without our awareness.

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