Dementia Is Not Reasonable

The ability to reason is called the intellect. Intellect is a function of the ability of the sub-conscious mind to rationalise data. It is the mind becoming conscious of intelligence that is stored sub-consciously in the mind. We intellectually find reasons to make sense of our reality.

The mind works sub-consciously storing & correlating conscious sensory data gained through the physical experience of life. The greater the depth of stored data, information or knowledge, the greater the ability to reason and the higher the level of intellect that is achieved.

No matter how accomplished the intellectual ability to reason, it is still compromised by the finite level of data that is able to be accessed. In a relative dual reality world, no matter how reasonable a situation appears, it can still have an unreasonable or expected outcome.

Being reasonable is making the best apparently beneficial choice. However, what is reasonable for me may be unreasonable for someone else. No matter how greatly developed my intellect is, it can still appear to be unreasonable or wrong to other people.

When I have no clear purpose in life, it is reasonable to get confused. I get confused whenever I do not know the reason why something is occurring. When life appears to happen to me or by me, there is always the uncertainty of an unreasonable outcome. An outcome is only ever unreasonable when I do not have sufficient data, intelligence or intellect to understand it. When I expect Life to conform to my programmed perspective of how reality should work, it never does. The only thing that is really unreasonable is trying to control life without the knowledge of how life works.

In a relative dual reality world, the more I reason and rate life to be rational & logical, the more unreasonable, irrational & illogical my life appears to become. Only an absolute understanding of reality allows a true perspective of reality with certainty. Any other personal perspective of the truth will be either relatively certain or uncertain and relatively reasonable or unreasonable.

It is the intellect that allows the experience of life to be reasonable and it is the intellect that causes the experience of life to be unreasonable. No matter how developed the intellectual ability of an Individual, without knowing a clear purpose for their life they will never understand the reasons why irrational & unreasonable things happen in their life. When I know my individual, unique & exclusive purpose for my life, everything in my life unfolds relative to that chosen purpose.

The Law of Attraction brings into my life, experiences & opportunities in alignment with my higher purpose by virtue of my higher vision for my life. In the absence of knowing my higher vision for my life, my ego takes control and gets confused, lost & frustrated by how unexpected & unreasonable life appears to be. From a higher perspective, nothing in life is unreasonable, unexpected, irrational or illogical, as these are just a lower perspective of the ego Self based on a flawed intellect.

Dementia appears to be the loss of intellectual ability. To an intellectual person, someone with dementia appears to do very silly or stupid things. There appears to be no rational reason for their behaviour.

With dementia, people stop doing reasonable things because they fail to see the reason for doing them. I store my past reasoning in my sub-conscious memory. This allows me to do normal things without consciously thinking about them; because I already know the reason for doing them.

With dementia, I can’t remember why I did something previously, so I can’t remember why I should do it now. When I can’t remember the reason for doing something, I need to be reminded otherwise, I can’t be bothered because I can see no reason for it. When I am asked to do something, I am compliant when I am empowered to comply. When I have sufficient emotional energy, I am happy to comply and I appear to be reasonable. When my emotional energy is low, I cannot see how I can do something and I will appear to be resistant and unreasonable. A dementia patient doesn’t need a reason for doing something, they just need the emotional power to do it.

Dementia is unreasonable because it is the loss of the conscious ability of intellectual reasoning. In place of the intellect is a sub-conscious mind that is either empowered to act or disempowered & inactive. When the sub-conscious mind is inactive, it tends to go to sleep.

A disempowered patient needs the motivation of a carer to motivate them. They do not need a reason to act but they do need a motive to act. The motive to act is always in alignment with one’s true purpose. Fulfilling my purpose is the only motive that is empowering for me.

A dementia patient will never see their carer as unreasonable, but they will see them as either kind or unkind.

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