Dementia Is Not Curable

Dementia is not curable because old age is not curable. Ageing is a natural process that affects all material things in this physical world. Old age happens to everyone and it is unavoidable. Once I accept that my body naturally ages, it becomes a matter of quality of life during my last years in existence.

Quality of life is relative to the quality of the attributes that I have attained. The greater the quality of my personal attributes, the better is my connection to my emotional power and the happier I am. Old age is not about doing, achieving or accomplishing but about enjoying what has been achieved, accomplished and attained. We all have a choice of how we experience life and we all succeed in different ways.

The secret to growing old gracefully is having the grace to grow with age. Growing with age is not the same as growing old. It is my ego sense of Self that grows old and it is my true Self that grows with age. I grow with age as I attain better and better emotional states of being to attribute to my Self. Grace is the emotional power that connects me to my true Self.

Old age doesn’t have to be an illness. When old age is not seen as an illness, it doesn’t need a cure. It is quite normal in life to need help to come into life and to need help to pass on from life. It is totally acceptable to look after babies, toddlers & infants in their first years of life, so why is it not as acceptable to look after the elderly in their last years of life?

In inclusive societies where extended families all live together, it is accepted that the older generation will be looked after by their own family. In this society, dementia is rarely seen as a problem, just a symptom of old age. When dementia is not seen as a problem, it is not seen as an illness and it doesn’t need a cure.

The paradox of curing illness is that curing means both healing and preserving. When I preserve my health, I do not need a cure because preserving my health is the cure. When I do not see myself as ill, I do not need a cure but when I preserve my illness, I will never find a cure.

The Law of Attraction ensures that I bring into my experience the focus of my attention. When the focus of my attention is on curing my illness, my attention is on my illness, which preserves that as my experience. The way to overcome any illness is to not give it a negative thought. In the absence of negative thinking, there can be no illness.

When dementia is seen as the natural consequence of a person’s lifestyle as they approach old age, it is called senile dementia and everyone learns to live with it. It is accepted that as we get older, our physical faculties diminish and so does our mental capacity. When senile dementia is perceived to be a consequence of natural ageing, it is not viewed as an illness that needs a cure.

Today we have an epidemic of people suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease because modern medicine needs a diagnosable label before it can prescribe a treatment; even when it doesn’t have a treatment to prescribe. We all become the victim of any disease that our doctor determines that we are suffering from. When I believe that a disease can happen to me, especially one that appears to be genetic & run in families, then that becomes my experience.

The more I worry about getting cancer, the more I increase my chances of contracting the disease and the more I fear that I will suffer with dementia when I get old, the greater the probability of that becoming my experience. When I consciously choose to live a natural, healthy life and die a natural, healthy death, chance never enters into the equation.

The way to live healthily and to die healthily is to have faith in the process of an ideal life. When I allow an ideal life to proceed through me, I experience the proceeds of a truly healthy life. Unfortunately, the concept of a healthy death is not compatible with modern day values.

Unless I believe that I will die healthily, I will have to be ill and suffer with an illness before I die. Everyone wants to die peacefully in bed but nobody knows how to achieve this in a happy & healthy way. Dying happily & healthily in bed is not seen by the medical profession as a natural cause but as an unknown cause.

Some people have a long suffering death and others die after a short illness but very few people ever choose how their life will end naturally. When I believe that life happens to me, I also believe that death happens to me. When I believe in life happening by me, death happening by me is called suicide. When I allow life to happen through me, I accept with total approval that death will eventually also happen through me.

I do not choose to cure my physical life and preserve it for eternity. Death is not an illness but the inevitable end to a perfect journey called life. When I allow it to be so, old age and the effects of old age, including dementia, are just part of that divine journey. Whether I perceive my life to be beneficial or detrimental to my journey is just a matter of perspective.

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