Dementia Is A Depreciation Of Awareness

Most people do not appreciate what awareness is. Those who are spiritually unawakened remain spiritually unaware. To the spiritually unaware, awareness & consciousness are the same thing. When spiritually unawakened, I am aware of my consciousness, I am aware that I am awake, when I am awake, but I am neither conscious of nor awake to my awareness.

The pathway to spirituality is through an awakening to a mental & an emotional awareness.

The conscious ego Self is conscious of the physical world when awake and unconscious to physical reality when asleep. I am still alive when I am asleep because my sub-conscious Id is automatically, or autonomously, in control.

I can train my conscious ego to tell my sub-conscious id what time I want to wake up the next day. When the Id is in agreement, it wakes me up on time; but when my Id believes that I need to rest it allows me to oversleep my appointed time to wake up.

Awareness allows the ego & the id to co-operate knowingly & effectively. Without awareness, there is no co-operation and the id is free to do its own thing; which is called instinct. The Id instinctively does its own thing, in alignment with what it believes to be the right thing to do.

With awareness, I realise that the right thing is what conforms with what the Id is programmed to believe is best for itself. I do not have selfish genes that drive me, but I do have a selfish id that sub-consciously manages & controls me.

Whenever I react without thinking, it is my Id looking after myself. When I react beneficially, I tend to call it instinct, but when my reaction is detrimental, I often call it clumsy or awkward. When my instinctive reaction is negative towards other people, they see me as being angry, sad, stupid or demented.

Dementia is a depreciation in positive behaviour, which is an appreciation in negative behaviour that is not appreciated by other people.

In our society, there is a general absence of awareness. The majority of society is spiritually absent, even regular religious church-goers are mostly unaware of their true spiritual origins and their own creative potential.

Choice for most people is a dilemma, or a problem of being in two minds, which causes either prevarication or procrastination. Being only aware of their conscious thinking, they have no awareness of having two, or even three, minds or different levels of consciousness.

For most people, their life runs sub-consciously & routinely in the present moment allowing them to fantasise about the future and either reminisce or worry about the past. Until, that is, something goes wrong, which takes them out of their comfort zone. The comfort zone is within the boundaries of what the Id sees as being acceptable, or tolerable for its life. In my comfort zone, the Id is in control and I have no conscious choices to make. I only need to make a choice when the Id has no programmed choice available. Getting out of my comfort zone requires that I need to make a conscious choice, which can often cause a problem. The problem is that I automatically & instinctively see all the problems that a new choice could create.

Normality means that the sub-conscious Id is working well and running to programme. Abnormality means that the Id has hit a problem and needs a conscious choice to get over its apparent blockage. To run normally, the Id needs to reason that life is making sense. Life makes sense when it conforms to the reality of the data being received through the five physical senses. When the world appears consciously in alignment with the id’s view of how it should be, life is deemed to be normal. When it doesn’t, the Id goes into either drama or trauma mode. It either confronts the conflict or it runs away. This is called fight or flight, which is believed to be instinctive.

Dementia is a break-down in normal service between the conscious ego and the sub-conscious Id. Initially the breakdown appears temporary and sporadic when it is a gradual depreciation or degradation in the connection between the conscious & sub-conscious levels of the mind.

With dementia, normal routines take longer and longer because they are no longer being carried out subconsciously. Dementia affects sub-conscious competence. When I have to think about everything before I do it, it can take ages to do what I used to do instantly, without thinking.

A forced disconnection between the conscious & sub-conscious Mind is called amnesia. With amnesia, the sub-conscious has to gradually relearn new programmes to restore a normal service to the ego. With dementia, the possibility of a reconnection will depend solely on the person’s spiritual awareness. It depends on whether their appreciation of their unconscious competence is capable of supporting the depreciation of their sub-conscious mental capacity.

The greatest irony of Dementia is that with the awareness of a clear spiritual connection to our Soul or Source Entity, there can be no depreciation in mental capacity.

My awareness of my conscious ego Self being driven by a sub-conscious Id, came with my awakening to my spiritual identity. Before I was awakened to the higher level of the super-conscious entity of my mind, I was unaware of my sub-conscious Id. My Id & my Entity are my true conscious Identity. My expansive conscious ego Self is always guided & supported by a sub-conscious Id and a super-conscious Entity, unless I contract dementia.

With dementia, the super-conscious Entity is still in support but the sub-conscious Id isn’t. An awareness of the higher aspects of the mind allows a direct connection. In the absence of awareness there is no direct connection and the competence of the conscious Self relies solely on its connection the its Id, which is slowly depreciating.

As the Id depreciates the ego gradually becomes more and more lost, confused & frustrated. Without the Id, the clarity, direction and presence of the Entity can also become completely lost. Without a clear conscious distinction between the sub-conscious Id and the super-conscious Entity, no higher connection is possible.

When the unawareness of the Id becomes an unawareness by the Id, dementia is the effect. Through most of life, the Id runs efficiently in the background until one day for whatever reason, it no longer does.

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