Dementia Causes Boredom & Loneliness

In an ideal world, I am never bored and I am never lonely. In an active world, full of active people, how can anyone be bored or lonely? Yet, everyone, at some point in their life, experiences both boredom & loneliness. You could say that people who are lonely or bored are temporarily demented, which is non-permanent dementia. We do not see it as temporary dementia, or being demented, we call it being beside ourself with boredom or being beside myself with loneliness.

The Self that I am beside is my sub-conscious Self, which I call my Id. My conscious sense of Self is called my ego. When my Id & my ego disagree and have a separate perspective of reality, I am beside myself. Boredom & loneliness are temporary relatives of grief. I temporarily grieve for someone to cure my loneliness and I temporarily grieve for something fulfilling to relieve my boredom.

Whereas, the sub-conscious Id believes that bereavement causes permanent grief, it recognises loneliness as the need for someone else to be there emotionally and it sees boredom as the need to succeed in accomplishing or achieving something of value. In the absence of someone that I need, I fail to get the emotional energy that I need from them and I feel lonely. In the absence of getting my own emotional needs met through the activity or inactivity that I am experiencing, I get bored.

Loneliness is the temporary isolation of having nobody to meet my specific emotional needs. Boredom is the sense of inadequacy that I feel when I temporarily fail, or I am unable, to meet my own emotional needs myself. Boredom & loneliness are confused when I need other people to do what I need to do to meet my own need for emotional power. In simple terms, introverts get bored and extroverts gets lonely. When what I am doing is draining my emotional power, I get bored. When what I am doing has no acknowledgement or approval of someone else, I get lonely. When I fail to get the approval or acknowledgement that I need for what I am doing, I feel both lonely & bored.

When dementia inevitably becomes both isolating & debilitating, boredom & loneliness become common symptoms. Difficulty in socialising causes loneliness and difficulty in doing things effectively causes boredom. As dementia appears to progress, boredom & loneliness increase and as boredom & loneliness increase, so do the symptoms of dementia.

The ability to live a physically capable life requires both mental authority & emotional power. As my emotional power drains because my needs remain unmet, my mental capacity declines. As the capacity of my mental authority of personal choice deteriorates, my emotional competence disappears.

Boredom is the mental incapacity that blocks my ability to do fulfilling activity that has value for me. Loneliness is the emotional incompetence that I feel when unable to mix socially with other people. Being bored and lonely is the feeling of not being an active part of a friendly society.

Boredom & loneliness are not natural states of being. They are sub-consciously self-induced by the Id in its failure to effectively meet its need for emotional energy. In a society that has no awareness of personal emotional needs, boredom & loneliness are common traits. We can be busy working hard all day and still be bored. We can socialise in a room full of people and still be lonely.

It requires emotional competence to overcome loneliness and it requires mental capacity to overcome boredom. Loneliness & boredom are emotional states of being. I feel lonely & I feel bored. They are both an expression of my emotional energy, or how I feel. When I feel bored or lonely, my emotional energy is polarised in a negative direction. The vortex of my emotional power is in a downward spiral. The power to reverse the polarity of that spinning vortex of negative energy requires my conscious emotional competence, which is relative to the awareness of my mental capacity. In simple terms, I need both emotional competence & mental capacity to make conscious choices for myself.

Dementia causes a sense of feeling permanently lonely and permanently bored because, both at a conscious level and a sub-conscious level, there appears to be no way out of the negatively downward spiralling vortex of energy that is being experienced as everyday life. The id & the ego are united in their pessimistic view of their potentially non-existent life. They agree with a negative perspective that is totally disconnected from the positive power & authority of their super-conscious entity or Soul

When connected at the level of the Soul, I am never bored and I am never lonely, I am never needy and I am never demented.

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