Dementia Allows A Deeper Emotional Experience

This statement may appear to be counter-intuitive because it is contrary to our intellectual reasoning. Our intellectual reasoning reasons that the more intellectual we are, the more able we are to make rational decisions and therefore, the greater is our ability to make ourself happy.

This shows how flawed our intellectual reasoning can be. When I am happy, I have no reason to consciously consider the reason for my happiness, I just enjoy the feeling of being happy, content & fulfilled with life.

It is my intellectual reasoning that tells me I am happy by considering all the reasons that may be causing my unhappiness. It is my mind and the reasons that my mind thinks are responsible for my unhappiness that are responsible for my unhappiness.

Emotion always aligns with thinking. I think, therefore I am. My emotion aligns with the polarity of my thinking, even when it may appear that my thinking is driven by my emotional state of being.

When my mind is unable to consider any reason to be unhappy, there is no experience of unhappiness. Happiness flows through me when it is neither blocked nor restricted. It is not something that happens to me under the control of an external force. In the absence of unhappiness, there is only happiness.

The deepest feeling that I emotionally experience as positively beneficial is the feeling of well being that accompanies pure happiness.

The irony of dementia is that it is an illness that doesn’t know that it is unwell. In the absence of knowing that I am not well, there is only well being. Happiness & well-being are natural attributes that are innate. We are all born with the potential to be happy & well, although in some cases many obstacles need to be overcome to attain that potential.

Happiness & well-being are emotional states of being that I naturally connect with because they originate from within me. When we say that something comes from within, what we really mean is that no matter how much we search for it in the external physical world, we will never find the source of it, out there.

Emotional states of being are neither physical nor mentally rational. In essence, emotional states of being are our essential nature, a natural essence and they are naturally essential. Happiness & well-being are essentially natural because they are a natural essence and the essence of our natural state of being.

Our natural state of being is our true nature, which exists separately and is unaffected by our personality and our character. That is to say that developing our personality & character is not the way to being happy and well. My personality and my character is not who I really am and it is not essential to the evolution of my Soul.

Developing my personality & my character is not the purpose of a fulfilling life and will never achieve contentment. I will never be content with the personality of my character, only with the true nature of the essence of who I really am.

Defining who I really am is the essence of why I am here. Experiencing who I really am is a matter of being here to experience who I really am through the personality and the character of my persona. It is who I believe myself to be that either makes me happy or unhappy, well or unwell.

Dementia is a loss of personality & character, when I lose all perception or memory of who I thought that I was. When I lose the plot in life I lose all memory of the character that I was playing and I adopt the persona of someone who needs constant care and attention.

With dementia, we are not aware that we need care & attention but we are conscious that it makes other people happy when they are able to look after us well. When the people who look after me are happy looking after me, there is no reason for me to be unhappy. It is only when other people are unhappy with my condition that I resonate with their negative emotion of unhappiness, which is driven by their negative beliefs about my condition.

When I act out of character or become personally emotionally needy, other people understand that it is just the dementia that is causing me to act the way that I do. They accept that my original personality & character that they loved, or hated, has long since disappeared; leaving me just as a character with the persona of dementia.

Dementia is a mental incapacity that impairs rational & intellectual thinking, which ironically blocks out any reason to be unhappy. In the early onset of dementia, the feeling of being lost, confused & frustrated leads to feelings of bitterness & sadness. In the later stages of dementia, when the illness is fully accepted by the one’s who love & care, there is no reason to feel lost, be confused or get frustrated when you allow everyone else to do whatever is needed, for you.

In the absence of needing anything in life, we have everything that we need, so we are content and we have a deep emotional feeling of being happy. Happiness flows with clarity, in a beneficial direction, in the presence of other people who are happy.

Being happy in the presence of someone with dementia allows them the opportunity to share the natural essence of their innate happiness with you.

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