Deference & Appeasement

I Defer to a higher status.

I Appease another’s choice.

Choice is a matter of authority. When I make my own choice, I follow my own authority. When I choose another’s choice, I follow their authority.

Status is a matter of hierarchy. The higher my status, the more authority I presume to have over others. Status accedes authority to or over other people. My status allows me to make choices for other people or for them to make choices for me.

Where choice is relative to authority and authority is relative to status, then deference & appeasement are the same thing. I defer to whomever I appease. I defer my authority to appease the choice of someone that I believe to have a higher status than me.

Where choice is exclusively unique to each Individual Self, I can appease my ego or I can defer to my Soul. My ego’s choice is driven by the passion & desire of the wants & needs of my sub-conscious Id. The Soul wants & needs nothing but chooses a destiny of expansive growth and true value. When the Self defers to the Id, it appeases the ego in alignment with its sub-conscious beliefs & programmes.

When the Self defers to the Soul, there is no appeasement, as there is no other authority of choice. In deference to the Soul, I always put my True Self first. When I put my True Self first, I express the integrity of my own divine authority and I appease no-one.

My Soul is my highest status, an expression of my highest state of being. There is no other true choice. Any other option is the deference of the ego appeasing the Id.

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