Debug, Declutter, Detox

Debug is the process of re-writing corruptions in our mental operating system. Any mentally programmed belief that causes a negative perspective of personal reality is also causing a restriction to the flow of natural mental health. A bug in the mental programming of our belief system causes a limiting belief or a fear. Any sub-conscious belief that is based on limitations or restrictions is also causing relative degrees of worry, anxiety, trepidation or terror. I re-write a mental corruption, which I call a limiting belief, by re-writing to my sub-conscious memory, a new and positively beneficial belief. Unless a detrimental belief is replaced with a beneficial belief, it will continue to operate sub-consciously and bug me. Only I am able to debug the negative thinking of my sub-conscious mind, by replacing it with new and positively beneficial thoughts.

Declutter is the process of becoming detached from the emotional clutter, which is blocking or draining my personal emotional energy. Whatever I am attached to emotionally will eventually drain my natural vitality and power. It takes a lot of emotional energy to maintain whatever I am attached to in life. Whatever I am attached to is cluttering up the natural flow of energetic vitality that is my emotional power. The belief that I need to attach myself to people and belongings, to maintain my emotional energy or get what I need emotionally, is sentimental nonsense. Vital to the process of decluttering my attachments, is the debugging of sentimental beliefs that make no personal sense.

Detox is the physical body’s way of maintaining good health. The essence of a healthy detox system is to debug the belief that it is unhealthy and declutter any attachment to being sick, ill or unwell. Coughing, sneezing, inflammation, diarrhoea and running noses are all ways that the physical body naturally detoxifies. The belief that I need to take medication to stop these instinctive & autonomous processes, causes an attachment to the belief that I am sick. The belief that I am sick and the belief that when I am sick, I need a Doctor to cure me, is the bug that needs to be emotionally decluttered; in order to allow the body to detox naturally. Giving a doctor the authority to cure an illness, preserves illness as our potential state of being. Believing that a doctor is the only person authorised to detoxify me, is a nonsense. Doctors are trained to diagnose illness, confirm illness, medicate illness and in doing so they preserve one’s own belief in being unwell. Any cure a doctor prescribes as a medication or a procedure to relieve the symptoms of the illness, without ever knowing or treating the cause of the symptoms, will just serve to preserve the cause indefinitely. Medicines are just poisons disguised as a medical treatment that only serve to block the bodies own immunity and turn acute illnesses into chronic diseases that eventually become critical medical conditions that are untreatable.

Natural Immunity to illness is attained with a healthy mind, healthy emotions and a healthy physical body. A healthy perspective of a virus is a corrupt piece of DNA that is cluttering the body of redundant corrupt cells. A healthy perspective of a bacteria is the body’s natural waste management operative. There is no such thing as a good or bad waste disposal system. It either works or is over worked by too much clutter and dead cell debris that is running viral. Putting poisons into a healthy system and calling them medicines is a mental corruption that clutters up the body’s natural autonomous waste system and turns it toxic. All medicines are toxins and all waste is toxic unless it is allowed to be decluttered and removed naturally and healthily.

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