Customers, Clients or Consumers?

Customers, Clients or Consumers are not necessarily the same person.

A Customer is the person who buys or purchases the goods or services on offer.

A Consumer is the person who uses or directly receives the benefit of the goods or services.

A Client may be a customer or a consumer, or both or neither.

A client may be an agent acting as the buyer or the purchaser for a consumer or a customer.

When working as a Coach for a large Organisation; the CEO is the customer, the HR department is the client and the employee being coached is the consumer.

Being customer driven may also be a case of being consumer driven and client driven as well.

Fulfilling the needs of the customer or client may not always be aligned with the needs of the consumer.

The role of a Coach is to align the needs of the Coachee, who is the consumer, with the needs of the customer as directed by the client.

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