
Curses are detrimental beliefs.

I am cursed with beliefs that do not serve me.

Any belief that is not good for me is a curse.

I can only be cursed by another’s beliefs when I believe them to be true.

What I believe to be true will either bless me or curse me.

Accepting another’s belief as my truth and as a detrimental truth to myself, is a curse.

It is not the belief that is blessed or cursed but my perspective of that belief.

Extremely detrimental beliefs are called fears.

We are all cursed by our own fears.

My fears are a curse because they limit my ideal reality.

Blessings and curses are a duality of my perspective.

It is my perspective alone that decides whether any situation is a blessing or a curse.

Any curse can be lifted, just by changing my mind, my perspective and my limiting belief.

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