Curing & Healing

Curing means preserving health.

Healing means restoring health.

I can only preserve my health, once I have restored it.

Health is the beneficial experience of life. It is the energy of life experienced. The healthy energy of life is innate and cannot be obtained from an external source. It is attained not obtained.

Health is not something that happens to me! Neither can I make myself healthy by trying to cure illness.

Curing illness preserves illness, not health. Restoring health is not a physical action, it is a mental and emotional activity. To change an emotional experience, I am required to change its mental cause.

Emotion is always a perception of a mental perspective. To change how I perceive an emotional experience, I am required to change its sponsoring thought. A sponsoring thought is the personal perspective of whatever is occurring.

When I believe that illness happens to me, that belief will preserve my illness. I can only preserve my health, once I have restored my health. I will never restore my health by trying to cure my illness. The cause of every disease is the negative mental perspective of whatever is believed to be occurring.

Restoring health is the process of connecting with the flow of innate positive life energy that flows through me. Health is the flow of life energy that flows through each and every one of us, when we allow it.

The secret to restoring health, or healing, is to allow it to flow unrestricted. Any belief that life is unhealthy restricts the flow of health in my life. Healing is the process of restoring health by allowing a healthy mind to experience healthy emotions, as a healthy experience of life.

The flow of healthy emotional energy comes from within each of us and is generated by a healthy mind. Looking for a cure for my illness outside of myself is an unhealthy perspective of my own negative personal reality.

The only person who has the mental authority and the emotional power to restore my health is my own Self. My state of being well, my well-being, is something that I, and only I, am able to connect with.

Unhealthy thinking depletes my natural store of healthy life energy. Toxic thinking causes the effect of a toxic experience.

Healing restores health through healthy thoughts because healthy thoughts allow the experience of a healthy life, whereas toxic thinking preserves a toxic experience. Curing a toxic experience preserves it as a toxic experience.

Healing a toxic belief allows a healthy flow of well-being to flow as one’s own personal experience. Once I have restored my health, I can cure my health and preserve it with thoughts of well-being.

A healthy mental outlook allows a healthy feeling of emotional well-being, which allows the physical experience of being healthy & well.

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