Creatures of the Earth

The Creatures of the Earth are the Creators of the Earth.

All creatures create their own reality.

The reality of the Earth is the creation of all the Earth’s creatures.

The creatures of the Earth create the reality of the Earth.

The creatures of the Earth have dominion over the Earth. They have the ability to create the reality of earth time within earth’s space and the reality of earth’s space within earth time.

God created the Universe of Galaxies, Stars and Planets.

The Creatures of the Earth have created the Earth as it is today.

The reality of Earth today is defined by the creatures who inhabit the Earth today.

Creatures including animals, birds, fish, insects, plants, microbes and minerals all make a definite impact on the world today, but none more so than Man.

The reality of today is defined by the actions of Man and the actions of all the other Creatures that are alive on the Earth today.

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