Creators & Creations

Creators & Creations are the consequence of a dual reality world of cause & effect.

Everything in a dual reality world is believed to be the effect of a cause.

Creations are an effect that is caused by a Creator.

We believe this even when we have experience of the creation without any knowledge of the creator.

Every day we experience the effect of living in the World of an unknown Creator.

We call the creator God, yet God is unknown to many and unknowable to all others.

Theologists believe that God exists beyond the world of duality and cause & effect, yet still believe that God created their world.

In an Absolute Realm beyond duality, there is no distinction or differentation between cause and effect.

In the Realm of God, God is both the Creator & the Creation.

Therefore to visit, inhabit and experience the Realm of God requires a perspective of Being both the Creator and the Creation.

It is only from within our relative world of dual reality that God and God’s Creation are seen as separate entities.

We already live in God’s Creation, we are here to realise who the Creator is.

The question is: “Am I creating a Divine Creation or not”?

“Am I at One with my Creative Ability or separated from it”.

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