Being Creative

Being Creative is the ability to creatively create.

Creative creativity is expansive & beneficially benign.

Creating chaos & havoc is divisive & detrimentally malignant.

Creative ability requires both the power & the authority to creatively create.

Chaos & havoc occur naturally in my disconnection from my creative power & authority.

The ability of a creator is the power & authority to create creatively.

The power of a creator is omnipotence.

The authority of a creator is omniscience.

The power of omnipotence is the attainment of emotional wealth.

The authority of omniscience is the attainment of mental wisdom.

With my wealth of power and my wise authority, I have the healthy ability to create my ideal life.

My wealth does not come from the riches of money, nor my wisdom from the faith in my knowledge.

With absolute faith in the wealth of my emotion, I attain the purity of thought that accesses my creative ability.


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